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Al Rehman Calligraphy

Al Rehman Calligraphy | Rs2,000.00

Acrylic Paint on Card 10 x 8

Ayat kareema Calligraphy

Ayat kareema Calligraphy | Rs2,000.00

Calligraphy Painting, Acrylic Paint on C

art piece

art piece | Rs5,000.00

art piece


Derwash | Rs3,500.00

Dancing Darwash


TRAIN to WIN | Rs3,000.00

Acrylic painting done on canvass of size


Testing | ₹500.00


Top 3 Artists


Fatima Sakhawat Ali

Zubaida Mehmood


Candy Art - Drawings, Sculptures, Ideas, Wall Art

Candy craftsmanship, otherwise called sugar workmanship, is the act of making models and other imaginative pieces out of sugar and other consumable materials. ThCandy workmanship requires an elevated degree of expertise, accuracy, and imagination, making it both a culinary and visual is perplexing specialty can include different strategies and instruments to shape and brighten the sweets.

Pulled Sugar: This method includes warming sugar until it becomes pliable, then, at that point, pulling and forming it into complex plans. Pulled sugar can be utilised to make blossoms, strips, and other definite improvements.

Blown Sugar: Like glass blowing, blown sugar includes expanding a wad of liquid sugar with a syphon to frame empty shapes like circles or creatures.

Candy Models: These are made by gathering sweets into bigger designs, frequently utilising chocolate, chewy candies, and different confections as building blocks.

Palatable Improvements: Candy specialists make complex adornments for cakes, cupcakes, and different treats utilising sugar, fondant, and chocolate.

             Candy Art

Candy Clip Art

Candy cut craftsmanship alludes to computerised or printed pictures of confections and desserts, frequently utilised in visual communication, scrapbooking, and instructive materials. These pictures are normally straightforward and bright, intended to be outwardly engaging and simple to use in different activities. Candy cut craftsmanship can be utilised in advanced media, for example, sites, virtual entertainment posts, and computerised solicitations. Originators integrate these pictures to add a tomfoolery and fun loving component to their work. Educators and teachers use sweets cut craftsmanship in worksheets, cheat sheets, and homeroom embellishments to make learning more captivating for understudies. Candy cut craftsmanship is well known in printables like party solicitations, welcoming cards, and banners. These pictures can be downloaded, printed, and utilised in Do-It-Yourself projects. Specialists use cut workmanship in scrapbooking to design pages with subjects connected with occasions, birthday celebrations, or other sweet events. Organisations, particularly those in the sweet shop industry, use cut workmanship in their showcasing materials to draw in clients and make an outwardly engaging brand picture. Many clasp workmanship assortments come in different styles, from practical to silly, permitting clients to pick pictures that best accommodate their undertakings.

                               Candy clip Art

Candy Wrapper Art

Candy covering workmanship alludes to the innovative use and reusing of sweets coverings to make creative or brightening pieces. This type of workmanship includes gathering utilised treats coverings and changing them into different specialties or fine arts. Specialists frequently use threat coverings to make montages by organising and sticking them onto surfaces like material or paper. This can include orchestrating coverings in designs, making pictures, or joining them with different materials for surface and profundity. candy coverings are utilised to develop three-layered figures or articles. Style fashioners and crafters some of the time integrate sweets coverings into apparel, adornments, and frills. This can include meshing coverings into textures, making hoops or arm bands, or in any event, making purses and wallets. Candy covering workmanship can be utilised to enrich homes and spaces. Reusing treats coverings into craftsmanship grandstands imagination as well as advances ecological mindfulness by decreasing waste and empowering reusing. In certain networks, treats covering craftsmanship fill in as a social articulation or a method for recognizing occasions. Candy covering craftsmanship changes regular bundling into innovative and outwardly striking works, showing the capability of materials that are frequently ignored or disposed of.

                   Candy wrapper Art

Candy Art Drawings

Candy workmanship drawings normally allude to imaginative portrayals of confections and sweet treats made utilising conventional drawing methods or advanced outline. These drawings centre around catching the lively varieties, surfaces, and shapes related with different kinds of confections. A few craftsmen have practical experience in making profoundly reasonable drawings of confections, expecting to imitate the presence of explicit confections with unpredictable detail. Other craftsmen might take a more lively or adapted approach, making treat drawings in animation or illustration styles. These drawings frequently stress strong varieties, misrepresented shapes, and unconventional subtleties to inspire a feeling of pleasantness and tomfoolery. Candy craftsmanship drawings can likewise include orchestrating various confections in a structure, maybe as a feature of a still life or an improving example. Specialists could investigate various ways of organising confections to make outwardly engaging plans and equilibrium. Specialists could investigate subjects connected with cherished recollections, guilty pleasure, enticement, or the social meaning of confections in various settings. Candy workmanship drawings can be utilised in different business and embellishing applications. Candy craftsmanship drawings commend the charm and assortment of confections through imaginative articulation, offering watchers a superb visual encounter that frequently summons wistfulness and pleasantness.

                  Candy Art drawings

Candy Wall Art

Candy wall workmanship alludes to imaginative manifestations that component candy or candy-themed plans and are expected for show on walls. This sort of workmanship can be made utilising different strategies and materials, and it frequently fills in as a lively and vivid design in homes, organisations, or public spaces. Candy-themed prints, banners, and photos can be outlined and held tight walls. These pictures could portray treats in creative structures, large scale photography of sweets surfaces, or representations and artworks of desserts. Some wall workmanship integrates real confections or candy-like materials into three-layered plans. This can include sticking confections onto a material or board to make a finished piece of workmanship or creating help moulds that distend from the wall. Candy wall workmanship can likewise be a blend of various imaginative media. Candy-themed enhancing boards can be made utilising materials like texture, vinyl, or wood, and can be mounted on walls. These boards could highlight treated examples, illustrations, or pictures printed or painted onto them. Candy wall craftsmanship adds an energetic and eccentric touch to any space, frequently summoning sensations of sentimentality and euphoria. It's a flexible work of art that can be custom-made to fit different tasteful inclinations and settings.

                     Candy wall Art

Candy Art Sculptures

Candy craftsmanship models allude to figures made essentially from treats or propelled by sweets subjects. These figures can be made utilising different procedures and materials, frequently displaying innovativeness and craftsmanship while investigating the eccentric and vivid universe of confections. Candy workmanship figures exhibit the flexibility of treats as a mechanism for imaginative articulation, mixing craftsmanship with the blissful and nostalgic relationship of desserts. These figures range from multifaceted and sensitive parts of striking and capricious establishments, enamoring crowds with their innovativeness and creative mind. Craftsmen use strategies like trim, forming, and collecting confections to make mind boggling and definite models. They could utilise treats coverings, gum, metal, or mud close by genuine confections to build a figure that mixes various surfaces and components.

                     Candy Art sculptures

Candy Art Ideas

Making workmanship includes a scope of inventive conceivable outcomes, mixing the dynamic tones, surfaces, and states of confections into imaginative articulations. These thoughts can be adjusted to suit various degrees of expertise and materials, from basic treats collections to unpredictable sweets figures and then some.

Candy Mosaic: Make a mosaic utilising treats coverings or little sweets pieces. Organise them into examples or pictures on a material or board for a brilliant and finished craftsmanship.

Candy Figures: Investigation with making models utilising confections like gumdrops, marshmallows, or licorice. You can shape creatures, blossoms, dynamic shapes, or even scaled down scenes.

Eatable Plans: Organise a grouping of confections in outwardly engaging examples or plans. This should be possible on a plate, in a bowl, or as a feature of a bigger enhancing show.

Candy Painting: Utilise dissolved chocolate or icing as paint to make sweets themed artistic creations on eatable materials like treats or cakes. On the other hand, utilise customary artistic creation procedures to portray confections on paper or material.

Candy Gems: Make adornments pieces utilising confections or candy-themed charms. This can incorporate neckbands, wristbands, hoops, or even keychains produced using treats coverings or little sweets pieces.

Visual Art - Definition, Types, and Examples

Visual expressions include a huge swath of imaginative articulations, going from customary mediums like works of art, drawing, model, and printmaking to additional contemporary structures like computerised craftsmanship, establishment workmanship, execution workmanship, and theoretical craftsmanship. These assorted structures permit specialists to investigate and impart thoughts, feelings, and encounters through visual components like tone, line, shape, surface, and space. From the beginning of time, visual workmanship has filled different needs, including social articulation, social analysis, political activism, individual investigation, and tasteful satisfaction. It mirrors the qualities, convictions, and points of view of social orders and people across various periods and societies. Contemporary visual craftsmen frequently explore different avenues regarding interdisciplinary methodologies, mixing various mediums and procedures to make creative and interesting works. With the appearance of computerised advancements, craftsmen have considerably more devices available to them, empowering them to push the limits of customary works of art and investigate additional opportunities in articulation and correspondence.

                                         Visual Art

Visual Arts Definition

Visual expressions allude to creative disciplines that fundamentally depend on visual components to convey importance, feelings, or thoughts. This general classification incorporates different types of imaginative articulation, including but not restricted to painting, drawing, form, printmaking, photography, filmmaking, engineering, ceramics, materials, and visual communication. In visual expressions, craftsmen use components like line, variety, shape, surface, structure, and space to make arrangements that animate the watcher's faculties and incite contemplations or feelings. Visual workmanship can be authentic, portraying unmistakable subjects from this present reality, or theoretical, zeroing in on shapes, varieties, and structures without direct reference to substantial items. Since forever ago, visual expressions play had a critical impact on human culture, filling in for correspondence, articulation, and impression of cultural qualities and convictions. Visual craftsmen frequently draw motivation from their environmental elements, individual encounters, social legacy, and creative minds to make works that resound with crowds on both tasteful and applied levels.

                                    Visual Art definition

School Of Visual Arts

The School of Visual Expressions (SVA) is an eminent craftsmanship and plan school situated in New York City, US. Laid out in 1947, SVA offers undergrad and graduate projects in various visual expression disciplines, including expressive arts, visual depiction, representation, promotion, movement, photography, film, and video, and the sky's the limit from there. SVA is known for its thorough educational plan, recognized staff of rehearsing craftsmen and creators, best-in-class offices, and lively imaginative local area. The school accentuates both specialised abilities and calculated thinking, getting ready understudies for professions in the serious fields of workmanship and planning. SVA has created numerous fruitful graduate classes who have made huge commitments to the workmanship and plan world, including eminent craftsmen, creators, movie producers, and illustrators. The school keeps on being a centre of innovativeness and development, drawing in hopeful specialists and fashioners from around the world.

Types Of Visual Arts

TVisual expressions include many imaginative disciplines, each with its strategies, mediums, and expressive potential outcomes. Here are a portion of the primary kinds of visual expressions:


Painting includes applying colour to a surface, and regularly utilising brushes, blades, or different devices. It very well may be finished on material, paper, wood, or different materials. Painting incorporates different styles and classes, including oil painting, acrylic painting, watercolour painting, and blended media.


Drawing is the demonstration of making pictures utilising lines, stamps, and shapes on a surface. It tends to be finished with pencils, pens, charcoal, pastels, or computerised instruments. Drawing envelops a large number of strategies, from sensible pictures to extracting pieces.


The model includes moulding and controlling materials like earth, stone, metal, wood, or tracked-down objects to make three-layered fine art. Models can go from little, handheld parts of huge-scope establishments.


Printmaking includes making fine art by moving pictures from a grid, for example, a woodblock, metal plate, or screen, onto paper or different surfaces. Normal printmaking methods incorporate alleviation printing, intaglio, lithography, and screen printing.


Photography is the specialty of catching and making pictures utilising light-delicate materials or computerised sensors. It envelops different kinds of, including picture, scene, narrative, compelling artwork, and test photography.

Advanced Workmanship

Computerised craftsmanship includes making fine arts utilising computerised innovations, like PCs, tablets, and programming programs. It envelops computerised painting, advanced drawing, 3D displaying, liveliness, and intuitive media.

Blended Media

Blended media craftsmanship joins various materials and strategies to make multi-faceted fine arts. Specialists might integrate components like paint, collection, tracked-down items, materials, and computerised components into their work.

Establishment Craftsmanship

Establishment workmanship is a three-layered fine art that changes spaces through the game plan of items, materials, and components. It frequently welcomes watcher communication and can be site-explicit or transitory.

Execution Workmanship

Execution craftsmanship includes live exhibitions by specialists, frequently integrating components of theatre, dance, music, and visual expressions. It can investigate individual, social, political, or social topics and may challenge conventional thoughts of craftsmanship and crowd commitment.

Visual computerization

Visual communication is the specialty of making visual substance for correspondence and articulation. It includes typography, representation, marking, promoting, website architecture, and distribution plans, among different disciplines. 

visual art types    school of visual arts

Visual Arts Examples

TVisual articulations incorporate numerous innovative disciplines, each with its own methodologies, mediums, and expressive possible results. The following is a piece of the essential sorts of visual articulations:

Configuration: Model incorporates shaping and controlling materials like earth, stone, metal, wood, or found objects to make three-layered expressive art. Models can go from nearly nothing to handheld pieces of gigantic degree foundations.

Printmaking: Printmaking incorporates making expressive art by moving pictures from a framework, for instance, a woodblock, metal plate, or screen, onto paper or various surfaces. Typical printmaking strategies consolidate easing printing, intaglio, lithography, and screen printing.

High-level Workmanship: Modernised craftsmanship incorporates making expressive arts using electronic advancements, similar to computers, tablets, and programming programs. It wraps mechanised painting, high-level drawing, 3D showing, energy, and instinctive media.

Mixed Media: Mixed media craftsmanship joins different materials and techniques to make multi-layered expressive arts. Experts could coordinate parts like paint, assortment, found things, materials, and modernised parts into their work.

Foundation Craftsmanship: Foundation workmanship is a three-layered compelling artwork that changes spaces through the strategy of things, materials, and parts. It often invites watcher correspondence and can be site-expressed or short-lived in nature.

Execution Workmanship: Execution craftsmanship incorporates live shows by trained professionals, much of the time coordinating parts of theatre, dance, music, and visual articulations. It can explore individual, social, political, or social subjects and may challenge traditional contemplations of craftsmanship and group responsibility.

Visual computerization: Visual correspondence is the specialty of making visual substance for correspondence and verbalization. It incorporates typography, portrayal, checking, advancing, site design, and dispersion plan, among various disciplines.

visual art examples      visual art images

Visual And Performing Arts

Visual and performing expressions are two general classes inside the domain of imaginative articulation, each including various structures and mechanisms of inventive work.

Visual Arts

Visual expressions fundamentally include making visual works, zeroing in on components like line, shape, variety, surface, and structure. Instances of visual expression incorporate composition, drawing, design, printmaking, photography, advanced workmanship, and establishment craftsmanship. Visual specialists utilize different materials and procedures to create two-layered or three-layered works of art that connect with watchers outwardly and frequently convey thoughts, feelings, or accounts.

Performing Arts

Performing expressions include live exhibitions that are introduced to a group of people. These fine arts commonly unfurl over a set timeframe and are knowledgeable about constant. Instances of performing expressions incorporate theater, dance, music, drama, verbally expressed words, bazaar expressions, and execution craftsmanship. Entertainers utilize their bodies, voices, and some of the time props or instruments to impart thoughts, stories, or feelings, frequently fully intent on drawing in and engaging the crowd.

          visual and performing arts

Mosaic Art - Types, Designs, Drawings, and Examples

Mosaic craftsmanship is a type of imaginative articulation that includes making pictures or examples by gathering little bits of hued glass, stone, fire, or different materials. These little pieces, called tesserae, are organised together to shape many-sided plans or pictures. Mosaic workmanship has been polished for millennia, with models found in antiquated developments like Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome. Mosaic craftsmen frequently work on various surfaces, including walls, floors, roofs, and even figures. The interaction normally includes drawing out a plan, choosing fitting materials, cutting the tesserae into the ideal shapes, and afterward organising and sticking them to the picked surface utilising cement or grout. Mosaic craftsmanship can go from straightforward mathematical examples to expanded scenes and pictures, and beautifying both public and confidential spaces since the beginning of time has been utilised. 

                                      mosaic art

Types of Mosaic Art

Mosaic craftsmanship comes in different styles and structures, each with its exceptional qualities and strategies. Here are probably the most widely recognized sorts of mosaic workmanship:

Traditional Mosaics

These are suggestive of the antiquated Roman and Greek mosaics, highlighting unpredictable plans and scenes frequently portraying folklore, scenes, or mathematical examples.

Islamic Mosaics

Tracked down in mosques, castles, and other Islamic design ponders, these mosaics frequently highlight unpredictable mathematical examples, flower themes, and calligraphy. They are known for their complex magnificence and numerical accuracy.

Current Mosaics

Contemporary mosaic craftsmen frequently explore different avenues regarding new materials, procedures, and styles, making conceptual or vanguard works that push the limits of customary mosaic craftsmanship. These may incorporate blended media mosaics, reused materials, and unpredictable structures.

Local area Mosaics

These undertakings include coordinated efforts among specialists and local area individuals to make huge-scope mosaic establishments for public spaces. They frequently mirror the social personality and history of the local area.

Miniature Mosaics

These unpredictable mosaics utilize small, frequently infinitesimal, tesserae to make profoundly nitty gritty pictures or scenes. They were well known during the Renaissance and are as yet rehearsed by gifted craftsmen today.

Computerized Mosaics

With progressions in innovation, specialists can now make mosaic-like pictures utilizing advanced devices and programming, orchestrating pixels or other computerized components to frame complex examples or pictures.

mosaic art typestypes of the mosaic art

Mosaic Art Drawings

While mosaic craftsmanship regularly includes orchestrating little bits of materials like glass, stone, or pottery to make pictures or examples, mosaic workmanship can likewise be portrayed through drawings. Specialists might make drawings that emulate the presence of mosaic plans, consolidating components like decoration, mathematical examples, or divided shapes to inspire the look and feel of customary mosaic craftsmanship.

Decoration: Making designs with shapes that fit together with next to no holes, like how tesserae fit together in customary mosaic craftsmanship.

Fracture: Separating pictures or examples into more modest parts or shapes, looking like the singular bits of a mosaic.

Shading: Utilizing varieties and concealing strategies to impersonate the presence of various materials utilized in mosaic craftsmanship, like glass, stone, or ceramic.

                                mosaic art drawing


Mosaic Art For Kids

Mosaic craftsmanship for youngsters includes making fine art by gathering little bits of materials like paper, tiles, dabs, or other tracked-down objects onto a surface to frame a plan or example. Tomfoolery and innovative action permit youngsters to investigate their creative minds while growing fine coordinated movements, inventiveness, and spatial mindfulness. Children can utilize various materials to make their mosaic works of art. Children will require paste to connect the mosaic parts of the surface. They can make their plans or examples for their mosaic fine art, or they can follow a layout or a pre-drawn plan. Mosaic workmanship for youngsters isn't just tomfoolery and connecting with action but additionally offers various advantages, including advancing inventiveness, fine coordinated movements, dexterity, and tolerance. It's a flexible fine art that permits children to put themselves out there while finding out about varieties, shapes, and surfaces. Besides, the completed mosaic fine art can make delightful adornments or sincere gifts for loved ones.

                               mosaic art for kids

Mosaic Art Designs

Mosaic workmanship plans for youngsters can go from basic examples to additional complex manifestations, contingent upon the kid's age, ability level, and interests.

Nature Propelled

Make a mosaic bloom garden with petals produced using paper or texture scraps.

Plan a mosaic butterfly with beautiful wings utilizing little tiles or dots.

Make a mosaic scene with sun, mists, trees, and creatures utilizing different materials.

Occasional Subjects

Make a mosaic snowman with white tiles for the body and bright tiles for embellishments like scarves and caps.

Make a mosaic rose bouquet with energetic petals and green stems for spring.

Plan a mosaic pumpkin or Jack-o'- light for Halloween utilizing orange and dark tiles.

Customized Craftsmanship

Make a mosaic self-picture utilizing different shaded tiles or paper to address facial elements and dress.

Make a mosaic name plaque with the kid's name explained in bright tiles or dabs.

Plan a mosaic family representation with every relative addressed utilizing mosaic pieces.

                                 mosaic art designs

Mosaic Wall Art

Mosaic wall alludes to fine art made by collecting little bits of materials onto a surface, regularly a wall, to frame a plan or example. These materials can incorporate glass tiles, clay tiles, stones, shells, globules, or whatever other little items that can be safely appended to the wall. Mosaic walls can fluctuate enormously in size, intricacy, and style, going from little ornamental accents to huge-scope paintings. It tends to be tracked down in different settings, including homes, public spaces, strict structures, and outside establishments.

By and large, mosaic wall workmanship fills in as a charming type of articulation that enhances spaces invigorates imagination, and encourages associations among individuals and their surroundings. Whether decorating inside walls, adorning compositional veneers, or improving open-air scenes, mosaic wall craftsmanship adds to the visual extravagance and social liveliness of our environmental factors.

                            mosaic wall art

How To Make Mosaic Art

Making mosaic craftsmanship includes a few stages, from arranging the plan to gathering the mosaic pieces onto a surface. Here is a general aide on the best way to make mosaic workmanship:

Materials Required

Base Surface: This can be wood, earthenware, glass, or any strong material reasonable for mosaics.

Mosaic Pieces: These can incorporate tiles, glass pieces, pottery, stones, shells, dots, or some other little items you need to integrate into your plan.

Glue: Utilize areas of strength for a reasonable for the base material and mosaic pieces. Weldbond, thin-set mortar, or silicone-based cement are normal decisions.

Instruments: You might require apparatuses like tile youngsters, glass cutters, tweezers, and security hardware like gloves and goggles.

Moves toward Mosaic Craftsmanship

Configuration Arranging: Sketch your plan on paper or utilize planned programming on the off chance that you're dealing with an intricate undertaking. Think about the tones, shapes, and format of your mosaic.

Set up the Base Surface: Clean the base surface completely and guarantee it's dry before beginning. Apply a preliminary or sealant if essential, particularly for permeable surfaces like wood.

Apply Glue: Working in little segments, apply cement to the base surface utilizing a scoop or a little spatula. Ensure the cement layer is even and covers the whole area where you'll put mosaic pieces.

Final details: When the grout has dried totally (typically 24-48 hours), buff the mosaic surface with a delicate material to eliminate any cloudiness. Seal the grout whenever wanted to safeguard it from dampness and stains.


Work purposefully and cautiously to guarantee the exact situation of mosaic pieces.

Explore different avenues regarding various materials, surfaces, and varieties to make visual interest.

Practice well-being safeguards while dealing with instruments and materials, particularly sharp items.

Try not to rush the drying and restoring process, as this can influence the ultimate result of your mosaic workmanship.

Mosaic Art Examples

The Alexander Mosaic

This antiquated Roman mosaic, tracing back to the first century BC, portrays the Clash of Issus between Alexander the Incomparable and Darius III of Persia. It was initially essential for the floor of the Place of the Faun in Pompeii and is presently shown at the Public Archeological Exhibition Hall of Naples.

Islamic Mosaic Craftsmanship

Islamic craftsmanship highlights mind-boggling mathematical examples and arabesques, frequently found in mosques, castles, and other compositional designs. The Incomparable Mosque of Cordoba in Spain and the Arch of the Stone in Jerusalem exhibit staggering instances of Islamic mosaic craftsmanship.

Contemporary Mosaic Craftsmen

Current mosaic specialists keep on pushing the limits of artistic expression with inventive procedures and styles. Craftsmen like Sonia Ruler, Toyoharu Kii, and Elaine M. Goodwin make dynamic and expressive mosaic works of art that consolidate various materials and topics.

Simple Mosaic Art

Basic mosaic can be a superb and open venture for fledglings or those searching for a loosening up imaginative outlet. Utilizing little tiles or brilliant glass globules, customized venturing stones. a plain wooden or plastic photo placement into an exceptional masterpiece by adding mosaic tiles or glass pieces around the edges. Tile liners are used, little mosaic fine art on wooden plaques or material sheets utilizing little tiles, glass pieces, or even paper scraps. custom magnets by sticking little mosaic tiles or glass dabs onto level attractive sheets. 

                                  mosaic art examples