What are Principles of Art?

Principles of art come in use to organize the elements of art. There is a difference between elements and the principle of art, i.e., the element is meant by the tools of art, while the Principe of art is the techniques to use these tools to practice art. The principles of art consist of balance, emphasis, rhythm, unity, pattern, contrast, and movement. These are further in detail in the following:



It is a state of equalized tension and equilibrium. It is not necessary that the balance is calm always. It can express the sense of union or division in a piece of artwork. It has three types. 

  1. Symmetry balance
  2. Asymmetry balance
  3. Radial balance 

These types are in detail ahead.

Symmetry balance 

Symmetrical balance shows equality in a piece of artwork. In this scenario, both sides of the artwork are identical or almost identical.

Asymmetrical Balance:

Asymmetrical balance is just opposite to the symmetrical balance as it refers to inequality in an artwork, which means that piece of artwork having asymmetrical balance does not have identical sides.

Radical Balance:

Radical balance can come into being around a central element the element placed in a radical balance seems to "radiate" out from a pivotal point in a circular fashion. 



Emphasis shows the idea of the interest of the artist. It tells us about the primary purpose of a specific artwork, by using the elements or tools of the element, including color space, texture, line, shapes, etc. The emphasis is an artwork that seeks the attention of views to make them acknowledged through the main idea the art of work depends upon.



It is a fundamental principle of art. It deals with the expression of moment or action on a piece of artwork. By repeating the elements of art, including lines, shapes, colors, and more, we also can achieve rhythm in an artwork. It shows a virtual flow in a piece of artwork to move the viewer's eyes according to the artist's main idea or central message that is needed to be focused. So on. The rhythm also has some types that are alternating rhythm, random rhythm, flawing rhythm, regular or irregular rhythm, and so on.



The author of the element of graphics design, Alex white, said, "The main goal of graphic design is to achieve unity into it." All the elements of art get together with specific reference to an argument to make a piece of artwork unified. There should be an unbeatable balance between the verity and unity of artwork to avoid a lifeless piece of art. The unity is also called harmony.



A pattern is an essential principle of art whereby a sense of continuity from manmade objects to organic materials and attraction by the usage of the element of art in an organized method. 

In this scenario, the art has to keep repeating different elements of art in a specified sequence. The human eye demands a specific pattern in a piece of artwork; it can evoke a surprisingly emotional reaction from its viewers.



The contrast in a piece of artwork can come into being by the opposition of two elements of art, e.g., a photograph, i.e., light against dark warm against cool, bright or dull. Some physical elements also take part in the establishment of contrast in a piece of artwork, i.e., the texture used to apply the principle of contrast in photography to contesting subject matter shapes of the photograph in a narrative manner.



Movement is also a fundamental principle of art that is shaped via a regular repetition of elements of art to produce the look and feel of the environment. It makes the viewer's eyes move according to the artist's desire. The movement inherent in the image is crucial as it tells you the story through the use of lines (whether they are listed as implied).


Some more principles of art are as follows


Variety is one of the basic principles of art. All the elements of art come into contact with each other in several ways to achieve variety in an artwork. The purpose behind generating variety in an artwork is to increase its visual interest. Control is a basic principle of art and it helps the variety in performing its action which is to increase the visual interest of artwork. The variety exists in many elements e.g. line, shape, form, texture, space, and tone do have many varieties to ensure the increase in the visual interest of artwork.



Proportion is an essential principle in the creation of an artwork. The proportion of artwork is basically about the relative size of that artwork. It comes in use while comparing the size of two artworks individually.
